Dragon Fruit - Dark Star


Pot size: 200mm black plastic pot.

Current Average plant height: 1.3-1.4m

Suited for pots and garden beds. The dragon fruit is a spectacular night flowering climbing cactus that is grown as both an ornamental vine and as a fruit crop.

2 in stock

SKU Dragon Fruit-Dark Star Category
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The vibrant colour of this dragon fruit looks spectacular in a fruit salad and not to mention hard to find at your local grocer.

The refreshing fruit has a subtle melon/kiwi fruit flavour and the small black seeds add a light crunch.

Plants are available for pickup 3 days a week from Gold Coast Robina or Brisbane Chermside.

Or come browse our plants at the HOTA artisan markets in Bundall every 2nd Sunday of the month.

Order online to reserve your plant.


Slender cactus buds start to appear in Summer and flower through to Autumn. The flowers are large 20-25cm long and only open for one night.

Generally, a wooden post is used for support, with a wooden frame at the top to train the branches to hang down over the frame.

When the branches hang they flower, roughly 6-12months after planting. Plants can be grown to hang over a fence, tree stumps or rose hoop.

Can be grown in large pots.


Each of our Dragon fruits have been hand selected by us from the highest quality, sustainable suppliers.

Order online to reserve your plant.

Additional information

Plant Care

POSITION: Full sun. Provide some shade on very hot days.

SOIL: Will grow in most well drained soils.  You can improve soil at planting by adding compost to the hole.

WATER: Water regularly in warmer months, don’t let soil dry out too much.

CARE: Apply organic fertiliser in Spring. 

PLANTING: If garden soil is too wet, raise garden bed to encourage drainage. Will need to be supported with trellis, rose hoop etc. 

PRUNING: Once fruiting has finished, remove older stems as needed, this will allow room for new fruiting branches and will help eliminate the chance of pests and disease.

SIZE: 1-2m if pruned.  Can grow quiet tall, but once plant reaches 1-1.5m in height, snipping the top will encourage side branching – these branches should hang down over a fence or rose hoop, cascading down for easy maintenance and harvesting.


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